forum special entry on COP29
A collection of reports and comments by forum correspondents
Some sustainability activists may have doubts about a global climate conference that repeatedly takes place in a country known for its oil production. forum therefore takes a closer look: Here are reports and comments from our partners who are on site in Baku for forum, including NOW Partners and Bertrand Piccard. NOW Partners are particularly involved in the topic of regenerative agriculture as a climate stabiliser. By the way: forum shows in the new magazine how soil degradation and climate change can be combated.
First chronicle on COP29 from Bertand Piccard, founder of Solar Impulse Foundation
- When less equals more: the incredible potential of efficiency
Second chronicle on COP29 from Bertand Piccard, founder of Solar Impulse Foundation
Third Chronicle and Conclusions on COP29 by Bertrand Piccard
NOW Partners team is back on site for forum on COP29 in BAKU
Neuer Bericht der Save Soil-Bewegung verdeutlicht die Dringlichkeit
From India to Zambia: Regenerative Agriculture for Global Impact
forum is represented throughout COP29 as a NOW media partner
forum's NOW Partner Delegation reports from COP29 in BAKU
forum's NOW Partner Delegation for BAKU in full operation
COP29 Presidency Launches milestone initiative that is aimed at addressing the urgent nexus of climate change, conflict, and humanitarian needs
Uniting Finance, Trade, and Investment for Global Climate Action
Kommentar von Hans-Josef Fell zur COP29
NOW Partners: Solutions dialogues feature leaders from COP29, COP16 and COP30
NOW Partners: From the COP29 Green Zone
Kommentar von Felix Finkbeiner, Gründer von Plant for the Planet
Final comment of NOW Partners to the second week of COP29
Note: In the issue of forum 01-25, we take an in-depth look at the topics of soil degradation, regenerative agriculture and CO2 compensation through forest projects. Save your copy now!
Quelle: NOW Partners Foundation
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