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EoL Global Launches to Scale High-Integrity Carbon Credits Worldwide

forum's NOW Partner Delegation reports from COP29 in BAKU

Economy of Love Standard (EoL), the Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA), and NOW Partners Foundation (NOW) announce the launch of EoL Global, a new initiative to scale EoL’s proven Whole System Carbon Credits internationally. Inspired by Sekem’s work in sustainable development and building on EoL’s success in Egypt, EoL Global will expand the impact beyond Egypt to an international market, offering companies a credible and impactful way to offset carbon emissions while supporting regenerative agriculture and empowering smallholder farmers.
EoL Whole System Carbon Credits can sequester carbon and create positive impact socially and environmentally. © Justus Harm, Economy of Love
Carbon Offsets with Uncompromising Integrity
EoL Global prioritizes transparency and accountability. All carbon credit projects undergo rigorous third-party validation and verification to ensure they meet the highest international standards. A detailed registry introduces the farmers behind each project, providing companies with compelling impact stories to share with their stakeholders. 

Driving Systemic Change Through Regenerative Practices
EoL Whole System Carbon Credits rely on multiple methods to sequester carbon and create positive impact socially and environmentally:
  • Regenerative, organic, and biodynamic agriculture: Enhancing soil health, biodiversity, and water management.
  • Afforestation projects: Planting shade and wind-breaking trees to sequester carbon and improve ecosystems.
  • Compost production: Supporting farmers in reducing methane and CO2 emissions through sustainable waste management.
  • Renewable energy implementation: Promoting clean energy adoption to further reduce carbon footprints.
Beyond Carbon: A Holistic Approach
EoL accredited farms meet stringent criteria across four key sectors: environment, culture, economy, and society. This ensures that projects contribute to a range of positive outcomes, including:
  • Improved socio-economic conditions for farmers
  • Empowerment of women
  • Regional economic development
  • Biodiversity improvement
Justus Harm, Executive Director of EBDA and Head of the EoL Standard explains, "EoL's Whole System Approach goes beyond traditional carbon credits by factoring in the social, environmental, and economic impact of  regenerative farmers. With EoL, you don’t just offset CO2 — you empower small scale farmers in their transition, regenerate ecosystems, and build resilient communities."

A Market-Based Solution for Climate and Livelihoods
EoL Global presents a market-based solution to the climate crisis that empowers smallholder farmers. By shifting towards a model where farmers are fairly compensated for their ecosystem services, EoL enables them to become financially independent and food secure while achieving significant climate-positive results.

"EoL Global helps to fairly compensate Southern Hemisphere farmers for their crucial but unpaid ecosystem services," said Walter Link, Executive Chair and Founder of NOW Partners Foundation. "These farmers strengthen the climate, biodiversity, human health and the sustainable development of local communities and economies. Let's make sure they get fairly compensated."

Proven Success and Credibility
EoL Global's approach has been widely successful in Egypt, where its carbon credits are offered on the Egyptian Stock Exchange and endorsed by the Financial Regulatory Authority. This demonstrates the initiative's credibility and its ability to deliver impactful results. EoL Global’s CEO and veteran leader of Triodos Bank, Europe’s leading sustainability bank, Daniel Povel explains, "EoL’s Whole System Carbon Credits offer a uniquely transparent and impactful Nature Based Solution, aligning with the needs of organizations and investors committed to responsible environmental and socio-economic development."

Meeting the Growing Demand for Climate Action
With increasing regulatory requirements and consumer expectations for corporate sustainability, EoL Whole System Carbon Credits offer a reliable and transparent way for companies to demonstrate their commitment to climate responsibility. 
Recognizing the financial hurdles hindering climate action, EoL Global focuses on scaling solutions: EoL Whole System Carbon Credits. These credits fairly compensate farmers for their vital contributions to the environment and society, while integrating land use, agriculture, finance, and education into a holistic, globally scalable and adaptable approach.
Note: Read more about the voluntaly carbon market, soil degradation and regenerative agriculture in the German edition of forum 25-01, published on November 28th.

Kontakt: NOW Partners, Daniel Povel | danielpovel@now.partners | www.now.partners

Quelle: NOW Partners Foundation

Umwelt | Klima, 12.11.2024

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  • toom Baumarkt GmbH
  • Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH
  • Kärnten Standortmarketing
  • circulee GmbH
  • NOW Partners Foundation
  • DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen
  • Global Nature Fund (GNF)
  • Engagement Global gGmbH
  • Protect the Planet. Gesellschaft für ökologischen Aufbruch gGmbH
  • BAUM e.V. - Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
  • Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
  • Futouris - Tourismus. Gemeinsam. Zukunftsfähig
  • World Future Council. Stimme zukünftiger Generationen