EBS Executive School: Top-Weiterbildung in Sustainable Finance & Sustainable Business

Creating an Arc of Action at UN Climate Conferences

NOW Partners: Solutions dialogues feature leaders from COP29, COP16 and COP30

Future Economy Forum and Food Tank, in partnership with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Unilever, NOW Partners Foundation, Natural Capitalism Solutions, Sekem, and Imaflora, convened global leaders for the "Scaling Regenerative Agriculture Innovations" series. The events, convened in Baku during COP29, brought together high-level representatives from policy, civil society, business, government and finance. The dialogues focused on a call for continued action and collaboration and showcased tangible plans to transition to models of regenerative agriculture as a key solution for global polycrises of climate, biodiversity, desertification and food insecurity.

Building an Arc of Action Across COPs
Danielle Nierenberg (Food Tank) and Merijn Dols (NOW Partners Foundation) at the solutions dialogue. © Future Economy ForumLed by Danielle Nierenberg (Food Tank) and Merijn Dols (NOW Partners Foundation), the solutions dialogue focused on creating continuity between the non-negotiated outcomes of COPs. It highlighted tangible plans for the upcoming COP16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and COP30 in Belem. "COP29 is the Finance COP," said Merijn Dols. "These are not just singular events – it is, ‘are we building an arc of transition, across also the various COPs, the various meetings throughout the year?’"

A Call for Collaboration and Action at COP16
Princess Mashael bint Saud AlShalan, co-founder of Aeon Collective, commented on goals for action at the UNCCD’s COP16, "In the COP16 Green Zone, a zone that is open for the public, we are establishing a People’s pavilion. At its core, it is a simple resolution for everyone who is contributing to it. You are welcome to do…. We are part of a much bigger boat, and when we are safe within our territories, we have to pay service to other species that we live with. Don’t just talk, do something.”

COP30: A People-Centered COP
Alberto Kleiman, Director of Institutional Relations and Partnerships for Brazil’s COP30 Presidency. © Future Economy Forum
Alberto Kleiman, Director of Institutional Relations and Partnerships for Brazil’s COP30 Presidency, commented on the vision for next year’s climate conference, which will be convened in Belem, Brazil: "We are motivated to turn the COP30 vision to reality. People talk a lot about the Amazon, but few know it. We, the Brazilian government, invite people to be part of this historical process.” He continued, "We welcome the global community to visit Belem, not for tourism, but for the life changing experience of being there, to experience and learn the Amazon and know this important part of the planet. We see civil society participation in blue and green zones is key, it is one of the pillars of this COP."

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
Princess Mashael bint Saud AlShalan, co-founder of Aeon Collective © Aeon SustainabilityAngela Pinhati, Chief Sustainability Officer of the Brazil-based multinational, Natura, emphasized the opportunities for businesses in driving positive impact: "We at Natura transform social and environmental challenges into business opportunities. We have in mind the financial aspect of our business but together impacting positively the world and in this specific case, the Amazon rainforest. We contribute to keep 2.2 million hectares of standing forest. We prove that it is possible to have good business, healthy business with positive impact."

Hunter Lovins of NOW Partners Foundation, during dialogues highlighted the importance of the Future Economy Forum’s action-oriented dialogues: "Many meetings feature talk without outcome. Future Economy Forum dialogues at COPs bring together companies, governments, civil society groups and experts to frame solutions to some of the wicked challenges facing humanity.”

Learn more about the "Scaling Regenerative Agriculture Innovations” Solutions Dialogue series and upcoming events at COP16 here.
See also: forum special entry on COP29 - A collection of reports and comments by forum correspondents

Kontakt: NOW Partners Foundation | info@now.partners | now.partners

Quelle: NOW Partners Foundation

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  • NOW Partners Foundation
  • Futouris - Tourismus. Gemeinsam. Zukunftsfähig
  • Global Nature Fund (GNF)
  • BAUM e.V. - Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
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  • Protect the Planet. Gesellschaft für ökologischen Aufbruch gGmbH
  • DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen
  • Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG