SDG Media Zone

17.9. - 29.9.2020, online

Science, Solutions and Solidarity to Transform our World

This General Assembly, as the United Nations marks its 75th anniversary as well as five years since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement for Climate Change, the SDG Media Zone, a prominent feature and platform for progress and action during major international conferences, focuses on the power of science, solutions and solidarity—as seen through the vision of global leaders and experts at the forefront of global crises and efforts to build back better.

As the world responds and recovers from the COVID-19 crisis, the SDG Media Zone, taking place throughout the high-level period, looks at some of the most defining issues of today—the impact of COVID-19 on people’s lives and livelihoods, the development and availability of vaccine/s against the virus, misinformation and myths about science and medicine, gender equality since the adoption of the landmark Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, and the urgent need to protect the world’s diminishing biodiversity. 

Check out the SDG Media Zone programme and stay tuned for conversations that matter. 

The SDG Media Zone is organized by the UN Department of Global Communications, in collaboration with the PVBLIC Foundation.
Finde more information here:
Veranstalter: UN Department of Global Communications

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