Celebrating the Future Economy Forum Leadership Award Laureates at COP28

This new economic DNA that we call Regenerative Value Creation

At COP28 the FUTURE ECONOMY FORUM LEADERSHIP AWARDS will honor the outstanding contribution of individuals and organizations towards creating a new economic mainstream that integrates the regeneration of people, societies and nature with business success and economic development.

FEF Leadership Award Tree planting © Liis LuksThe belief of the Future Economy Forum’s Leadership Awards is that only this mutually reinforcing integration of positive impact and economic success can motivate mainstream leaders and institutions to undergo the fundamental adjustments of their thinking and behavior to implement this new economic DNA that we call Regenerative Value Creation. 

The world needs to be inspired to scale the movement towards this new economic mainstream, the world needs to be inspired by concrete examples of Regenerative Value Creation that point us in the right direction and inspire others to find their solutions. The recipients of our awards are inspired yet pragmatic models that support fundamental change.

This fundamental system change requires contributions from all relevant stakeholders. This is also reflected in SDG 17, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal that called for true partnership and collaboration among stakeholders, without which none of the other SDGs can be achieved. The FUTURE ECONOMY FORUM LEADERSHIP AWARDS are therefore presented to representatives of key economic stakeholder groups. 

Future Economy Forum Leadership Award Past Recipients
In its first year, 2021, the award was presented to Emmanuel Faber, Danone’s outstanding CEO, at the Regenerative Alliance conference in Belgium. This year, the number of stakeholders categories will expand to those listed below. In coming years, the categories will expand further to honor also the equally important work of other stakeholders.

In 2022 and going forward the FUTURE ECONOMY FORUM LEADERSHIP AWARDS will be presented by the Future Economy Forum at its international events in partnership with other institutions that are part of the Forum’s global community. Most of the 2021 awards will be presented at the Forum’s Solution Summit in Cairo and at its Solutions Dialogs at COP 27 (www.futureeconomy.forum). The award to Yvon Chouinard and Patagonia will also be presented at Munich with ISPO Munich, the world largest Sports and Outdoor industry fair. 
Emmanuel Faber received the 2021 Future Economy Forum Leadership award, presented at the Regenerative Alliance conference.
About the Jurors & the Future Economy Forum
The Future Economy Forum is a global action platform that offers an interactive mosaic of visions, solutions and action initiatives, media products, executive programs and innovation labs that reinforce the impact of its international events. It convenes and supports a global community of senior leaders from business, finance, policy and other economic innovation stakeholders whose inspired and pragmatic approaches, concrete implementations and joint initiatives point the way towards Regenerative Value Creation.

The 2022 award winners were selected by the Future Economy Forum’s secretariat and co-founder, NOW Partners in partnership with Sekem and for one category with ISPO Munich. NOW’s over one hundred diverse partners have for decades supported the evolution towards Regenerative Value Creation as a new economic mainstream. Collectively they have contributed more than 2000 years of work, serving in senior leadership positions in diverse stakeholder groups. (www.now.partners). 

Impact of the Awards
In honor of each award recipient, the Future Economy Forum will plant 100 trees that will gradually grow into a large forest at the Egyptian White Desert farm of Sekem, another one of the Future Economy Forum’s co-founders.  Award recipients are invited to visit Sekem. It is one of the world’s leading examples of regenerative business and agriculture, education and culture for which Sekem was awarded with the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the 'Alternative Nobel Prize'. 

Furthermore, the Future Economy Forum will explore with the award recipients how its team and community can support the scaling of their work. This support includes inviting the awardees to be keynote speakers at the Future Economy Forum events and inviting them to present their work at bespoke Webinars and in other media products of the media platforms of the Forum’s partner organizations.

Laura Santucci
Co-Founder, Future Economy Forum. Former Chief of Staff to President Obama’s White House Political Affairs, Chief of Staff to the mayor of New York and the UN World Food Programme.

Gesellschaft | Pioniere & Visionen, 07.09.2023

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