Food matters
16.10.2020, 14:00 Uhr, onlineJoin the Electrolux Food Foundation live webinar on World Food Day!
The Electrolux Food Foundation is hosting a live event – open for everyone - on how shifting to a more sustainable diet today can create a better tomorrow.
Click here to join the webinar - October 16 - 14:00 CET
"Many people are looking for ways they can contribute to a better planet and the choices we make every single mealtime are the simplest way we can make a difference,” says Ingrid Mellstig, Head of Electrolux Food Foundation.
Mellstig will be moderating the event that brings together a social entrepreneur, scientist and chef - representing movements that promote sustainable living – to explain why we should eat more plants, try new things and waste less food.
You’ll get to hear that food has a far bigger environmental impact than CO2 alone, how consumer power is pushing culinary professionals to think differently and what needs to be done to in the quest to minimize food waste.
About the speakers:
- Earlene Cruz, Founder and Director of KitchenConnection
A social entrepreneur focusing on issues related to food inequity and food insecurity, she founded a free platform to enable foodies to host of participate in live, online and interactive cooking classes that support the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 – Zero Hunger.
- Brent Loken, Global Food Lead Scientist, WWF
With his forward-looking research in food and health, and as a lead author of the EAT-Lancet report on Food, Planet, Health, he believes achieving the SDGs and Paris Agreement will be due to fast moving, innovative organizations and people that actively show the world a more healthy and sustainable way of living. - Chris Koetke, Chef & Chairman, Feed the Planet
A chef with over 30 years' experience from his native US, as well as esteemed restaurant kitchens in France and Switzerland, he heads the Feed the Planet, an initiative founded in 2012 by partners Worldchefs, Electrolux and AIESEC. It aims to inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and culinary professionals while supporting people in need through emergency relief, food poverty alleviation, and education.

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