A whistleblower on the biggest greenwashing case ever - DWS Skandal um ESG Standards
Die aktuelle Podcast-Empfehlung der forum Redaktion
Planetary Business – der Podcast für umweltfreundliche Unternehmensführung
Episode vom 09.02.2023
„A whistleblower on the biggest greenwashing case ever - an interview with Desiree Fixler, ESG-expert and whistleblower"
DWS, the investment arm of Deutsche Bank, publicly claimed that €460 billions of their assets under management were meeting ESG-standards. Thanks to whistleblower Desiree Fixler we now know this wasn’t true but rather a case of colossal corporate governance failure that led to the resignation of the CEO. Listen to this captivating story of a courageous woman who helped change the system by telling the truth. And find out how this scandal will have an impact on corporate governance and sustainable finance for years to come.
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