Executive Education: CAS Global Social Entrepreneurship 2018/2019

Shaping the next generation of nonprofit leaders

Supported by the Fondation Botnar, the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) organizes the certificate course Global Social Entrepreneurship whereparticipants get the opportunity to test and execute the contents of the course directly on real-time projects in social enterprises around the world. 
The CAS is designed for leaders of social initiatives and nonprofit organizations (NPOs) and enterprises that target global challenges of our society (e.g. child health, education, migration, etc.). International academic and field experts provide you with profound knowledge on innovation management, social innovation, business development, global governance, and impact measurement.
The CAS brings together participants with existing or emerging social business ideas from developing countries (pioneers) and participants from developed countries (explorers):
Starting date:
Module 1: August 2018, flexible start (online)
Module 2: 24th September 2018, fix date (in Basel)
For more information about the program, please visit the website or download the program flyer here.
About the CEPS 
The Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Basel is an interdisciplinary research and executive education institute for Philanthropy. It was established in 2008 through an initiative by SwissFoundations, the Association of Swiss Grantmaking Foundations. CEPS is a research think tank which deals with the multifaceted topic of philanthropy.
Kontakt: Robert Schmuki, Director Executive Education and Knowledge Transfer, CEPS
ceps@unibas.ch | www.ceps.unibas.ch  

Gesellschaft | Bildung, 08.05.2018

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