Climate protection, climatic changes and mitigation of CO2 emissions
8.3.2018, 16:45 - 17:30 Uhr, 14055 BerlinIssues and challenges confronted by travel destinations
First-Hand Insights from a climate protection project in Kenya - avoid greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve people's life!
Die ITB Berlin lädt zu einer Präsentation über nachhaltigen Tourismus und der Verleihung der myclimate Awards ein.
Travelling (vacation or business) is an essential part of our life. However, counting the CO2-emissions of travelling, we easily risk consuming most of our personal yearly CO2-budget in just one trip. While recognizing this dilemma, we can take responsibility by compensating our CO2-emissions. A well-designed high-quality climate protection project does not only save CO2-emissions. On top, it improves the lives of the local population in many different ways. Participants will get an insight on the following topics / questions:
- The "Stoves for Life”, a project in Kenya, is an ecological and socio-economic value for the environment and the people
- The key role of carbon offsetting money in such a project
- Why every small donation makes a difference?
The prizes will be awarded to European myclimate partners in three categories for outstanding commitment in climate protection.
After bestowing the awards, myclimate is pleased to invite the attendees to a Get-together with climate-friendly drinks from its partner BIONADE.
- Anton Espirca, Co-founder and Field Director, ECO2LIBRIUM; Kenya
- Stefan Baumeister, Managing Director, myclimate Deutschland gGmbH; Germany
Der Zauber des Wandels
forum 04/2024 ist erschienen
- Windkraft
- Zirkuläre Produkte
- Tax the Rich
- Green Events
- Petra Kelly
Film & Filmgespräch: „Auf den Spuren des Geldes für Umwelt und Menschenrechte“
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Dokumentarfilm über 30 Jahre urgewald e.V. - im Rahmen des Münchner Klimaherbst 2024
80336 München
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