Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement 2024 - 12. Internationale Jahrestagung
Companies from all around Europe will assemble in Frankfurt to debate sustainability management on January 25 and 26, 2024
This year's World Class Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement 2024, scheduled on January 25th and 26th in Frankfurt, Germany, will bring together Europe's leading sustainability management enterprises and ESG reporting and sourcing firms. Following the success of previous conferences across the World, this will be the most comprehensive conference ever held by the World Class Business Leaders Institute, bringing together key business leaders worldwide to discuss the latest developments in sustainability.
Confirmed Companies from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland will be present in Frankfurt. In addition to regional representatives, worldwide organizations such as Deutsche Bahn, Lufthansa, Netze BW, KWS SAAT SE, and AOK will share their ideas and innovations.
The World Class Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement 2024, conference will highlight best practices in communication, innovation, engagement, strategies, and sustainability in the region.
Attendees will get the opportunity to network with pioneers and early adopters on the green road and learn firsthand about the industry's current trends and advances.
Conference language is German.
forum readers get a discount of 40 percent on ticket purchases with the code: forum40.
Contact: World class business leaders, Max Suckel | |
Wirtschaft | Führung & Personal, 11.12.2023

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