What Modern Society Can Learn from Indigenous Economies

In her talk on indigenous economies, Rebecca Adamson highlights the valuable lessons that modern society can learn from indigenous cultures. As a Cherokee economist and advocate for indigenous rights, Adamson emphasizes the importance of values in shaping economic systems.

Rebecca Adamson © Renske van GrinsvenAdamson explains that indigenous societies organize themselves socially, politically, and economically based on their values and worldview. She contrasts this with the approach of modern society, which often prioritizes exploitation and conservation as separate entities. In contrast, indigenous cultures view nature as interconnected and emphasize the balance between protection and production.

According to Adamson, indigenous paradigms promote a sense of responsibility and harmony with the environment. They recognize that the prosperity of creation and the concept of "enough-ness" are essential for sustainable economic practices. In contrast, modern society's fear-based economy, driven by the belief in scarcity and individual accumulation, leads to competition and resource depletion.

© Renske van GrinsvenAdamson suggests that incorporating indigenous paradigms into business and conservation models can address the challenges faced by modern society in a more sophisticated and sustainable way. By embracing the principles of balance, interconnectedness, and shared prosperity, it is possible to create economic systems that prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet.

Overall, Adamson's insights highlight the need for a shift in mindset and values to create a more sustainable and inclusive economic system, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of indigenous cultures.

Marta Guglielmetti
Executive Director. Board Member. Catalyst for systems change. Breakthrough public-private partnerships. Impact and innovation in ESG, climate, health, and migration. Former Executive Director, Global Solidarity Fund. Held leadership positions at the World Health Organization, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNDP.

Wirtschaft | CSR & Strategie, 01.08.2023

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