Electric Vehicles & Charging – IAA Mobility Visionary Club

Die aktuelle Podcast-Empfehlung der forum Redaktion

Als Business-Magazin für Entscheider stellt forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften in seinem neuen Service informative Podcasts und Beiträge zur praxisorientierten, konkreten Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit in Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft vor. 
Hören Sie rein, es lohnt sich. 

The IAA MOBILITY Visionary Club is a gateway to the world of leading mobility visionaries

The host in this podcast is an AI generated voice, but the insights and perspectives, shared by the prestigious guests, are purely human. Let us know what you think about this new approach in the comments. In the interviews, they explore the intersection of technology, transportation, and sustainability. Each episode features two visionaries who bring their diverse professional backgrounds and personal experiences to the table. Listen to these exciting experts speak about topics like the metaverse, circular economy, smart cities, charging infrastructure, and the best startup trends in the mobility world. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of mobility and discover how it impacts our lives in ways we may have never imagined. 
Unsere aktuelle Empfehlung:
Episode 5 vom 16.08.2023
Electric Vehicles & Charging – insights from mobility visionaries
Guests: Roger Atkins, founder of Electric Vehicles Outlook and Lars Jacobs, VP EMP &Digital Solutions at EnBW.

In Episode 5 of the IAA MOBILITY Visionary Club Podcast, the topic is about electric mobility and how to ensure broad public acceptance for the use of electric cars. In addition, the experts talk about the unique challenges and opportunities associated with introducing electric vehicles in rural areas, as opposed to urban areas. To that end, they discuss innovative financing strategies being explored to overcome the financial hurdles associated with expanding charging infrastructure in rural areas. They will also discuss the benefits and misconceptions of electric vehicles and the advances in battery technology and charging infrastructure that can be pursued to significantly reduce charging time and improve the overall efficiency of charging systems. Also covert are urban planning and design strategies to overcome space constraints and how to find suitable locations for charging stations in densely populated regions.  

Zu hören bei Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast 

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