SageTalking – new ideas to transform a destructive system

Die aktuelle Podcast-Empfehlung der forum Redaktion

Als Business-Magazin für Entscheider stellt forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften in seinem neuen Service informative Podcasts und Beiträge zur praxisorientierten, konkreten Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit in Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft vor. 
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SageTalking – new ideas to transform a destructive system

The podcast SageTalking provides since 2021 deeper insights on environmental matters and the connection of us humans to nature. Stella Sage is a writer and environmentalist. Guests on the podcasts have varied backgrounds and expertise. They talk about numerous topics from regenerative farming, politics and sustainable finance, different ecosystems and economic models.. 
Unsere aktuelle Empfehlung:

Episode vom 26.04.2023
Existential economics – A talk with Kees Klomp, professor at the Rotterdam University for Applied Science and co-founder of THRIVE Institute with the podcast host and environmentalist Stella Sage."

Professor Kees Klomp possesses the rare capability of explaining everything you would want to know about economics clearly and in an easy-to-follow manner. During this talk, he discusses the ways in which we are taught about neoclassical economics and why this approach is highly problematic. Essentially, neoclassical economics reduces society to one enormous marketplace, and since we are taught this perspective during our formative years, we internalize it, leading it to become ingrained in our culture, which poses significant issues. Kees spells out how we tend to identify ourselves with our current economic system, and how its inherent flaws arise from its sole consideration of "material needs," including overproduction. This reduction of human beings to mere walking wallets neglects other vital needs, such as emotional and social ones. Furthermore, he debunks some myths concerning GDP and the purported state of our wealth, well-being, and economic growth. The goal is to create a society guided by "existential economics," supporting all forms of life in harmonious coexistence. The question then becomes, how can we reach this goal? Kees discusses the theory of system change that he has developed, which includes practical, applicable steps on how to move towards a different reality—a reality that many of us desire and certainly need.

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