3Q4U - 3 Questions for you

Antworten auf die Krise von Dr. Frauke Fischer, Biologin und Spezialistin für biologische Vielfalt

  1. What did you learn from the crisis?
    Die promovierte Biologin Frauke Fischer gründete 2003 die Agentur 'auf!', die Unternehmen bei ihrem Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit, Klimaschutz und den Erhalt von Biodiversität berät. © privatNature strikes back! The overuse of natural resources and the erosion on biodiversity is becoming a severe problem for humankind. By following a "frontier approach” for centuries, we came closer and closer to the planet’s boundaries – and hence the limits of growth. Scientist warned for quite some time that we are about to leave the safe operating space. That might be a problem for polar bears and insects at first sight but will become an even larger problem for all of us soon. According to the leading scientists Covid-19 is probably only the tip of the iceberg – and it relates directly to the destruction of tropical rainforests. Let’s build back better!

  2. What touched you most?
    I was touched by how people got closer. Many people offered to go shopping for the disabled or elderly in my neighborhood e.g. I was also touched to see how many people suffered even more, being refugees, victims of civil wars or just too poor to counteract on the pandemic.

  3. What does "Not Going Back" mean for you?
    "Not going back” translates for me to "build back better”. We need to decouple economic growth and prosperity from resource extraction. What nature does, does nature best, and that is not only true for pollination of bird songs, but also for many other ecosystem services humans can not do without. The last months proved, that human societies can change direction rapidly. So let’s do that and spur the development towards a sustainable future. 

Gesellschaft | Pioniere & Visionen, 30.07.2020

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