Reporting 3.0 Conference “Tipping Points in the Reporting Transition”

12.11. - 13.11.2015, 10117 Berlin

Reporting 3.0: Onwards and Upwards for Sustainability Reporting Platform

The Reporting 3.0 Conference is entering its third year in November 2015, with the theme ‘Tipping Points in the Reporting Transition’. The difference the Reporting 3.0 Conference makes is based on accepting that purposeful reporting needs to contribute to measuring success in a green and inclusive economy. Many of these enablers are not in place, therefore sustainability and integrated reporting today are still unclear when to call existing performance a success to actively contribute to a green and inclusive economy.
The litmus test when performance is really ‘sustainable’ is not in place. The Reporting 3.0 Conference is the only event discussing this focus and wants to make an active input into data, accounting and reporting serving true sustainability.
Co-Initiator of Reporting 3.0, Sebastian Straube, decided to this year reinvent the 3.0 Platform as a non-profit to better serve the needs of the reporting community and provide greater engagement and advancement in sustainability reporting. The collaborative efforts of the 3.0 Platform will also continue into next year as a non-profit.
The conference builds on the results from last year’s conference, and will discuss the future of reporting through three major workshop streams across three inherently connected topics. These three streams include Elaborate, Collaborate and Accelerate, and they will be used to investigate how striving to sustainable solutions needs Reporting, Accounting and Data – globally and without haste.
The first conference keynote speaker will be John Fullerton, founder and president of Capital Institute, setting the scene by describing the needs for a ‘regenerative economy’, and on the second day will be Claudine Blamey, Head of Sustainability and Stewardship at The Crown Estate. Around 30 speakers will be discussing the future needs of reporting, accounting and data support in 25 hours of workshops. Through the insights of our speakers and the guidance of the sessions, the Tipping Points in the Reporting Transition will be explored and next steps in the elaboration, collaboration and acceleration of a future-fit reporting will be assessed.
Reporting 3.0 will be held over the 12-13 November at Microsoft Berlin on Unter den Linden. To buy tickets and see more speakers in attendance, visit
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