Regenerative Agriculture Crash Course - 14-19 October 2024 |La Junquera, Murcia, Spain. Experience regenerative agriculture and landscape restoration through your own eyes

Impact Week, November 22 to 24, 2023 in Torino

Impact finance leaders gather in Torino to accelerate positive change for people and planet

EVPA, the European impact investing network, in partnership with Fondazione CRT and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, will bring together 1,000 leaders and practitioners from across the spectrum of impact finance to mobilise capital for transformative change during Impact Week, from 22 to 24 November 2023 in Torino.
We are EVPA, Europe's investing for impact network.As we approach the 2030 deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in a polycrisis world, impact finance players can mobilise resources and foster collective impact action to scale the lasting change the world urgently needs.

With ‘Impact Together’ as the main theme, Impact Week will be a space to bridge work across sectors, connect and collaborate to navigate through the world’s crises. Conversations and sessions will bring actionable insights and examples of innovative breakthroughs in impact finance to scale up what works and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals together.
Check the full programme and the speakers line-up.

Join us to encounter cutting-edge ideas, discover new trends and engage with partners, old and new, to maximise your impact for people and the planet!
Enable impact
EVPA is a unique network at the intersection of finance and purpose, driven by knowledge and focused on impact.
  • In 19 years we went from eight to 300 members strong.
  • We built a unique data hub for the impact space, trained 1,000+ impact champions, produced standard-setting and bar-raising guidelines on investing for impact and impact measurement and management.
  • We established a strategic presence in the EU policy sphere and play a vital role in global impact collaborations on data and strategy.
  • We are the European network for impact.

Kontakt: EVPA, Georgina Siklossy | | https//

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