World Class Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies & Resource Management 2023
8th International Annual Conference for a Sustainable Future in Frankfurt, October 10 - 11
The Corporate Sustainability Conference for Europe’s leading experts and business leaders will convene in Frankfurt, Germany, in October 2023.
The 2023 agenda of the World Class Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies & Resource Management Conference has been set. Top-tier experts and influential business leaders will assemble on the 10th and 11th of October in Frankfurt, Germany. During the two-day conference, industry leaders will share a wealth of real-world case studies and best practices in sustainability.
As Europe is leading in addressing climate change, the conference serves as a pivotal platform for professionals and businesses committed to tackling the crucial and compelling challenges in emissions management. By showcasing innovative strategies, technologies, and best practices, the conference aims to inspire and empower participants to make a positive impact on also cirularity on both a regional and global scale.
Notable speakers at the Conference include:
- Dr. Thomas Schulte, Senior Vice President of Robert Bosch
- Dr. Kim Sophie Mengering, Head of Analytics and Data Management of Deutsche Bahn
- Tomás Zaborowski, Head of Sustainability Excellence of Bayer Crop Science
- Rüdiger Barth, Sustainability Manager of Amprion
- Cornelia Obitz, Business Partner Sustainability of IKEA
- Christopher Cleveland, Head of Sustainability of Freightliner Group
- Marion Schöne, Chief Executive Officer of Olympiapark München
- Anja Rinn, Global Sustainable Procurement Manager of Holcim
- Ann-Sophie Hertler, Sustainability & Climate Manager of Würth
- Rahul Madhavan, Sustainability Manager of Hitachi
The World Class Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies & Resource Management 2023 will cover key aspects such as carbon footprint measurement, circular economy strategies, renewable resource integration, and sustainable solutions. It will provide participants with actionable insights and practical tools to manage and reduce emissions effectively.
forum readers get a discount of 30 percent on ticket purchases with the code: forum30.
Contact: World class business leaders, Max Suckel, Conference Manager | |
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