Circular Design Summit 2025

Finland now has a zero cabin!

Meet Nolla – the cabin that was never there

Die Nolla cabin ist nicht das einzige Modell für alternatives Wohnen - weitere Möglichkeiten entdecken Sie im Special zu "Tiny Houses" in forum 2_3/2018. Jetzt vorbestellen! 
This summer, living with minimal emissions will be put to the test. Neste is building a prototype of a cabin that has a minimal environmental impact in terms of both carbon dioxide emissions and concrete impact on nature. The Nolla (= zero) cabin, designed by Finnish designer Robin Falck, is located just outside Helsinki city center, on the Vallisaari island. The cabin has been built from sustainable materials and is designed for a simple lifestyle with minimal to no emissions, taking into account the surrounding nature in every respect.
Built on an island right off the Finnish capital Helsinki, the Nolla cabin represents an ecological alternative to cabin life. © NESTELocated on the idyllic island of Vallisaari in the Helsinki archipelago, the Nolla cabin encourages people to consider how modern solutions and innovations could enable sustainable cabin living. Vallisaari has been in a natural state for decades and is thus the perfect location for an urban cabin experience, located at a 20-minute boat ride away from the Helsinki market square. The ecological and mobile Nolla cabin will be in Vallisaari until the end of September, demonstrating a lifestyle that generates minimal to no emissions.
Placing the compact and mobile cabin on its private lot does not require a construction permit and it has been designed to use building materials as effectively as possible. The cabin is the size of a small bedroom and can be assembled and transported without heavy machinery, leaving its environment nearly untouched. The Nolla cabin has been designed by Finnish designer Robin Falck, whose earlier design, Nido cabin, has been globally acknowledged.
The Nolla cabin introduces solutions, which enable minimizing cabin life emissions remarkably. The energy supply of the cabin is entirely renewable; electricity is generated by solar panels, whilst the Wallas stove, reserved for cooking and heating, runs entirely on Neste MY Renewable Diesel, made 100% from waste and residue. The Aava Lines raft operating between Helsinki city centre and Vallisaari will also run on Neste MY Renewable diesel that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%.
"With the Nolla cabin, we want to offer visitors the possibility to experience modern cabin life in the realm of nature, with minimal emissions. An ecological lifestyle does not only require giving up unsustainable commodities, but also discovering modern, sustainable solutions that can be used instead. This has been an essential part of the design process”, says Falck.
"Finns are known for spending time at their beloved summer houses. We wanted to explore sustainable solutions that could enable cabin life with minimal emissions. Shared and circular economy, as well as new technologies and innovations have made it possible to enjoy our cabins without harming or burdening the environment. Some of the solutions that have been used at the Nolla cabin are perfectly adaptable at any cabin”, says Sirpa Tuomi, Marketing Director at Neste.
SAARA and social media influencers will be getting to know the Nolla cabin in August
First to visit the cabin on the 18-19th of August, are artist and multi-talent Sara Forsberg, also known as SAARA, Youtube personality Joonas Pesonen, and photographers Joonas Linkola and Janita Autio. During the weekend, they will explore the different aspects of living with minimal emissions. SAARA will also spend the night in the cabin. Their journey will be guided by Finnish zero waste influencer Otso Sillanaukee, who has written a guide on sustainable everyday living.
The Nolla cabin is available for booking through Airbnb
To give an even wider audience the chance to experience cabin life with minimal emissions, the Nolla cabin has been enlisted for booking a two-night stay during 3.–30.9.2018, through Airbnb. The cabin offers accommodation for two in the middle of the peaceful nature of the Helsinki archipelago.
The Nolla cabin is executed in collaboration with Fortum, Wallas and Stockmann and is part of the Journey to Zero project by Neste, which explores new ideas and aims to steer the world towards a cleaner future with fewer emissions.
The #nolla cabin in a nutshell
  • Designer: Robin Falck
  • Dimensions: Height 4m, width 3,75m
  • Materials: main material plywood, the floor has been coated with a non-toxic, water-soluble varnish
  • Energy supply: Fortum solar panels
  • Heating: Fortum solar panels, Wallas, Neste MY Renewable Diesel
  • Weight: 900 kg
  • Decor: Stockmann Sustainable Collection
Neste in brief
Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates sustainable solutions for transport, business, and consumer needs. Our wide range of renewable products enable our customers to reduce climate emissions. We are the world's largest producer of renewable diesel refined from waste and residues, introducing renewable solutions also to the aviation and plastics industries. We are also a technologically advanced refiner of high-quality oil products. We want to be a reliable partner with widely valued expertise, research, and sustainable operations. In 2017, Neste's revenue stood at EUR 13.2 billion. In 2018, Neste placed 2nd on the Global 100 list of the most sustainable companies in the world. Read more:
Contact: Sirpa Tuomi, NESTE | |

Technik | Green Building, 31.07.2018

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