4ocean and Poralu Marine announce the BeBot:

new cleaning technology for beaches

4ocean, a purpose-driven B Corp with a mission to end the ocean plastic crisis, is pleased to announce their partnership with Poralu Marine, a global leader in marine-grade technologies, on the launch of the BeBot in the United States, an impressive beach cleaning robot designed to recover coastal plastic debris. 
© 4OceanThe electric-powered BeBot can clean up to 3,000 sqm of beach per hour, 20-30x more effective than collecting trash by hand. The machine is agile and easy to maneuver, a clear differentiator from existing options, and it specifically excels at removing small pieces of plastic and other trash that are notoriously difficult to clean by hand, using small 1 cm x 1 cm sifting grids to separate these items from the sand. 
Traditional machines are typically very large, powered by gas, and often repurposed from other agricultural purposes, making them poorly suited for more delicate beach cleanup work. In contrast, the BeBot’s smaller footprint and more shallow cleaning depth of 10 cm, effectively removes common beach trash while avoiding disruptions to any nearby habitats or animals, providing a more effective and sustainable approach to cleanups. 
"We are always searching for innovative technology to improve our cleanup capabilities and are thrilled to partner with Poralu Marine on introducing such an impactful piece of technology,” said Alex Schulze, 4ocean’s co-founder and CEO. "With the launch of the BeBot, we are able to work smarter and sustainably while recovering plastic that has already seen the ocean and preventing new plastic from  ever getting there in the first place.” 

© 4OceanMeant to be used daily, the BeBot is remote operated and can be controlled by an operator up to approximately 950 feet away. The robot makes minimal noise while cleaning and requires a much smaller footprint for storage, making it the ideal cleaning method for beaches in populated areas. This design approach was intentionally created with cleaning trash in mind, which is a first of its kind. 4ocean is on track to remove 20 million pounds of trash by year’s end and the BeBot will be essential in helping the brand reach this important milestone. 
Claire Touvier, member of the Environmental Solutions team from Poralu Marine noted "It is a real honor to present BeBot. We are very proud to be able to launch this new robot in the US with the help of 4ocean. This cutting edge technology was developed in Italy by a team of experts dedicated to robotics. While traditional machines equipped with wheels were degrading the shoreline, BeBot has groundbreaking and unpreceedented environmental assets. With a unique track system distributing equal and minimum pressure on the sand, BeBot reduces erosion. This innovative design also helps the preservation of biodiversity as it prevents the compression of turtles’ eggs and any vegetal ecosystem in the sand.” 
This impressive beach cleaning robot represents important innovation in the ocean reclamation space, thinking creatively about the more effective, efficient and eco-friendly way to remove the small plastics that currently litter our beaches. 4ocean and Poralu Marine are thrilled collaborating as leaders in this space, preventing further pollution of our oceans. 

To learn more about the BeBot and all of 4ocean’s ocean cleanup initiatives, please visit 4ocean.com.
About 4ocean 
4ocean is a purpose-driven business with a mission to help end the ocean plastic crisis by cleaning the ocean and coastlines while stopping the inflow of plastic. With the goal of creating an economy around cleaning the ocean, 4ocean has built a sustainable business model that allows the company to fund cleanups, utilize the latest technology and make a monthly $50,000 donation to marine conservation organizations. Ocean cleanups are funded entirely through product purchases, removing one pound of trash for every item sold, for a total of over 15 million pounds to date. 4ocean prioritizes engaging coastal communities, which creates jobs and adds revenue to local economies while changing the demand from catching fish to catching plastic. The solution to ending ocean plastic pollution lies in stopping it on land before it enters the ocean, which is why 4ocean is educating consumers about ways to reduce their single-use plastic consumption. 
About Poralu Marine 
Developing unique leisure marina solutions and equipment is the core activity of Poralu Marine, which has designed, built and installed more than 8,000 projects worldwide making it the global industry leader in the design and construction of aluminium structures. From this expertise in durable installations, Poralu Marine is constantly innovating with the launch of footbridges, environmentally friendly anchoring solutions, and floating waste collectors (Seabin), to name just a few. The activities of the group's brands – Poralu Marine, Nautiscaphe, Poralu Bridge, Rotax, WPS, EDDS – are a testimony to the constant renewal of our product range which is particularly respectful of the natural environment and of those who fight to preserve it. 
In 2021, Poralu Marine strengthened its leadership in the matter of environmental protection by launching "The Searial Cleaners” the first ever range of littoral waste collectors. 
Based in Port, France - headquarters, established in 1982, Poralu Marine has 150 employees worldwide. 
4ocean, Alana Linsenbigler | alana@ljpublicrelations.com 
Poralu Marine, Diane Loth | d.loth@giesbert-mandin.fr 

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