Special WEC & DFGE Webinar: Company Practice on Communicating Carbon Neutrality Goals and Achievements
How to Avoid Misunderstandings
Special Webinar on April 28, 2020
We are pleased to invite you to attend a special
World Environment Center / DFGE webinar on
April 28, 2020 at 16:30-18:00 (CET, Berlin) /
10:30-12:00 AM (EST, New York).
Please join Liz Willmot (Microsoft), Cynthia Cummis (WRI/SBTi), Wolfgang Berger (DFGE - Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy) and another industrial company (tbc) for a webinar exploring how leading companies are communicating their response to the Paris climate agreement. Glenn Prickett of the World Environment Center will moderate the session.
In the light of a growing number of companies communicating ambitious decarbonization plans, there is a risk that business decision-makers and stakeholders alike get confused about what Carbon Neutrality means and how the term differs from Net Zero emissions. Furthermore, many are not sure to what extent Carbon Offsetting is a legitimate way to respond to the Paris climate agreement of 2015. To avoid disappointment among stakeholders and eventually the need for disruptive action this webinar’s goal is to clarify a number of issues:
- How are leading companies communicating their decarbonization programs?
- What are the differences between industry sectors and what can be expected?
- How to define Carbon Neutrality vs. Net Zero?
- How do companies make sure that carbon offsetting doesn’t replace ambitious reductions from their own operations and value chains?
We plan an interactive webinar with live surveys and immediate evaluations in a moderated group discussion. Professionals from business, government, NGOs and academia focused on corporate affairs, strategy development and goal-setting processes will find this webinar of particular interest, as well as experts in corporate responsibility/sustainability and EHS.
If you are not able to join us live but are interested in the content, please register anyway to ensure you receive the full recording and presentation slides.
You may register at the following link:
Joining instructions will follow upon registration. We would be delighted to have you participate.
Kontakt: DFGE, Institute für Energy, Ecology and Economy, Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger | ak@dfge.de
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