Europe's largest transport research conference from 16.-19. April in Vienna
Discounted online registration for TRA 2018 extended to 8th April
The TRA 2018 (Transport Research Arena) is Europe's largest transport research conference, which is taking place from 16-19th April in Vienna. Around 3,000 experts from all over the world will come together at this time to discuss the latest developments in the areas of traffic, transport and mobility.
The focus will be on the digitalisation and decarbonisation of the transport sector. The key technical areas such as environment and energy efficiency, rail and shipping, alternative propulsion systems, smart urban mobility and logistics, mobility of people (systems and services) will be covered. Freight transport and logistics, transport infrastructure, networked and automated mobility, digital technologies, safe and resilient transport systems and the human dimension in
transport, socio-economics, innovation and politics will also feature many times on the agenda. TRA is a platform for representatives from politics, research, industry and administration and deals with all modes of transport and their infrastructure. The deadline for the discounted online registration has now been extended to 8th April. Registrations and exact programme details can be found here.
About TRA 2018
TRA 2018 is co?sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology together with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and AustriaTech, with the support of the European Commission and the European Technology Platforms ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council), ERRAC (European Rail Research Advisory Council), WATERBORNE as well as CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads), ETRA (European Transport Research Alliance), ALICE (Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration), ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform) and ACARE (Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe). This key event will take place from 16?19th April 2018 in Vienna, Reed exhibitions Messe Wien, Messeplatz
Kontakt: Katharina Schüller, MA, AustriaTech - Head of Communications & Public Affairs
Technik | Mobilität & Transport, 26.03.2018
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