"Following the Money Pipeline" (english!)
23.1.2025, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr, 80333 München und onlineJohanna Frühwald, urgewald (Protect the Planet & TUM Environmental Lecture Series)
In this lecture, Johanna Frühwald will explore the critical intersection of finance, fossil fuels, and climate action by giving insights into the work of the German environmental and human rights NGO, urgewald. Founded in 1992, Urgewald has become a global leader in tracking the financial flows that support destructive industries and advocating for transformative change. The presentation will spotlight urgewald’s pioneering data-driven campaigns, including the development of the Global Coal Exit List (GCEL) and Global Oil & Gas Exit List (GOGEL)—the most comprehensive publicly accessible databases on the fossil fuel industry. These tools are used by hundreds of financial institutions to shape investment decisions and policies. Moreover, insights from a current campaign in collaboration with the Filipino organization Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development (CEED), targeting the massive expansion of gas infrastructure in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, will be shared.
Before joining the team at urgewald, Johanna was actively involved with Fridays for Future Austria for several years, bringing valuable experience in campaigning. She completed her Master’s degree in Socio-Ecological Economics at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna and has previously worked with the Italian NGO ReCommon as well as the KONTEXT Institute for Climate Issues in Vienna.
Event language: English
TUM Main Campus, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München
for details see event website
Veranstalter: Protect the Planet und Ringvorlesung Umwelt des Referats für Umwelt der studentischen Vertretung der TU München
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