eMove360° Europe 2024 - Trade Fair & Conference
15.10. - 17.10.2024, 81829 Messe München (Eingang Ost)8th International Trade Fair for Electric & Autonomous Mobility
The leading technology and B2B trade fair sets its clear focus on the topics of charging & energy, battery technology, automated driving and e-mobility in the commercial vehicle sector.
The visitor target groups are also clearly focused on technology and B2B. On one hand, eMove360° addresses engineers, IT experts and designers from the automotive and energy industry and, on the other hand, the entire range of professional users. These are primarily fleet managers, transportation companies, cities and communities, sharing providers, delivery services, tourism companies, electrical installers, as well as parking lot, service area and classic gas station operators.
% | forum readers can get their tickets
- Day 1: Electric & Autonomous Mobility
- Day 2: Battery & Powertrain
- Day 3: Charging & Energy
See you in Munich.
Der Zauber des Wandels
forum 04/2024 ist erschienen
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- Zirkuläre Produkte
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- Green Events
- Petra Kelly
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"Um die Gegenwart zu verstehen, müssen wir uns die Vergangenheit ins Bewusstsein zu rufen."Christoph Quarch begrüßt die Feierlichkeiten zum D-Day in der Normandie.
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