Unbreaking news

25.3.2021, 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr, online

Regenerative stories from around the world

Together we can shape our future. Be inspired by positive and powerful stories from around the world and let's move into action!
We live in unprecedented and tumultuous times of change. News about the degradation of the Earth due to human activity – climate change, deforestation, the agricultural transition- reaches us daily. It's time to highlight the good news: together we can shape our future. So be inspired by positive and powerful stories unfolding on our planet earth, and let’s move into action!

We will take you on a trip around the world, sharing stories that offer a positive perspective and emerging possibilities. Author Judith D. Schwartz offers a taste of the transformational work she documents in her latest book, The Reindeer Chronicles, which feature stops in Norway, Hawaii, New Mexico, China, the Middle East, and Spain. Precious Phiri, facilitator and community development specialist, will take you on a journey to Zimbabwe – showing the power of local collective action to ensure food security, support local stewardship and reduce poverty by restoring landscapes.

Closer to home, slowing down during the current pandemic has revealed the beauty and (healing) power of nature. We've seen growing interest in home gardening, re-valuing nature close to our homes, and appreciating the food that can be sourced from local farmers and entrepreneurs. In light of the upcoming UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, let’s dive in and immerse ourselves in what IS possible, where we would like to go, and how we can make that happen in our own environment!
Veranstalter: Commonland

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  • Global Nature Fund (GNF)
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  • B.A.U.M. e.V. - Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
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