Wisdom Stockholm

6.10. - 7.10.2015, SE-11122 Stockholm

Where consciousness meets business, politics and life.

The Wisdom Stockholm conference addresses the great challenge of our age: how to stay connected with ourselfes and others in times of disruption affecting many aspects of our lives.
This two-day event gathers a mix of internationally acclaimed and innovative speakers from sectors like business, education, politics and lifestyle, along with renowned wisdom teachers, discussing and presenting examples of how to tap into a deeper level of humanity, of who we really are and who we want to be as a society.
The topics of conversation range from intuition to emerging technologies and neuroscience; including conscious leadership and mastering the art of happiness. We want to explore ways that are beneficial to our well-being, effective in our work, and useful to the world.
The event includes talks, interviews, conversations, and the chance to mingle, explore overlaps and potential projects with other participants, including executives, entrepreneurs, coaches, academics and wellness professionals.
Through Wisdom Stockholm we strive to bring this conversation to the world in an accessible, innovative, and inclusive way.

This year the conference is held at the historic Oscarsteatern October 6 and 7 with following speakers:
forum-Readers can register with 20 percent discount. If you are interested please send a short email to j.fleischmann@forum-csr.net and you will receive your promotional code.
For further information please visit


Veranstalter: Wisdom Stockholm

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