Neuer ISO Standard zur Bekämpfung von Landdegradierung
Hilfestellung zur Bewahrung unserer natürlichen Ressourcen
Sie dazu auch unseren ausführlichen Beitrag im kommenden Heft 4/2017 mit
einem Bericht über die Initiative AlVelAl, die in Südspanien gemeinsam mit der
niederländischen Stiftung Commonland gegen Bodendegradation, Landflucht und
Klimawandel kämpft. Dabei setzt sie auf eine Schulterschluss von modernem
Wissen, gewachsenen Traditionen, nachhaltigem Tourismus und kulturellem
Engagement. |
Unser Verbrauch der natürlichen Vorräte der Erde hat sich in den letzten 30 Jahren verdoppelt und ein Drittel des Landes unseres Planeten ist mittlerweile stark angegriffen. Es ist dringend notwendig, Lösungen für Strategien, Planungen und Umsetzungen von Landmanagement zu finden. Ein neuer ISO Standard wird Landbewirtschaftern auf globaler und nationaler Ebene helfen, optimale Lösungen zur Bekämpfung von Landdegradierung zu finden.
Lesen Sie nachfolgend den vollständigen Beitrag im englischsprachigen Original:
New ISO standard to combat land degradation
Our consumption of the earth’s natural reserves has doubled in the last 30 years and a third of the planet’s land is now severely degraded. There is an urgent need to find solutions for land management policy, planning and practices. A new ISO standard will help land managers at global and national scales put in place best practices to combat land degradation.
The recently published ISO 14055-1:2017, Environmental management – Guidelines for establishing good practices for combatting land degradation and desertification – Part 1: Good practices framework, provides guidelines for developing good practices to combat land degradation and desertification in arid and non-arid regions. The standard refers to actions or interventions undertaken with the purpose of preventing or minimizing land degradation or, where land is already degraded, aiding its recovery to improve productivity and ecosystem health.
The recently published ISO 14055-1:2017, Environmental management – Guidelines for establishing good practices for combatting land degradation and desertification – Part 1: Good practices framework, provides guidelines for developing good practices to combat land degradation and desertification in arid and non-arid regions. The standard refers to actions or interventions undertaken with the purpose of preventing or minimizing land degradation or, where land is already degraded, aiding its recovery to improve productivity and ecosystem health.
Because managing our land-based capital impacts directly on human livelihood and health, the standard covers the various topics that must be considered when establishing good practices, such as the respect for human rights, forest management and agricultural practices, climate conditions and industrial activities, among others. ISO 14055-1 will serve as a useful tool for land managers, land users, technical experts, and private and public organizations, as well as for policy makers involved in the management of land resources for ecological, productivity, economic or social purposes. It advocates a fundamental shift in behaviour towards a more sustainable use of land and is intended to complement and support the activities of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
Read more:
Kontakt: International Organization for Standardization | |
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